Creating Your First Task

Creating Your First Task

How Do I Create a Recurring Task?


Tasks are the best way to remind staff about an event or task that occurs regularly. For example, you can use Tasks to remind staff to create a monthly progress review form, or an annual ISP form. In this article we'll walk you through why Tasks are useful and show you how to create your first Task - a birthday reminder. 
Terminology can be modified within SETWorks to better fit the needs of your organization. If the terminology in our articles are not the same on your site, talk to your local administrator to assist in translation.

What Are Tasks?

How Do Tasks Work? What Does This Mean to Me?

Tasks work by connecting a Consumer to a Date to a Staff person. They can also connect to a Form. 

Tasks are tied to a single individual - the person the task is about (this can be a Consumer OR a Staff member). Tasks are assigned to a single individual Staff member. 

Tasks are most useful when tied to some sort of event. Here are some examples:
  1. Date of Birth
  2. Annual ISP Date
  3. Intake Date
Tasks can be sent out in bulk to many individuals at once. SETWorks will take the Event date for each unique individual and tailor the Task specifically to that date. 

Tasks are typically assigned to the Primary or Secondary assigned staff to a given individual. If the Primary changes, the Task will also change, so that it is assigned to the new Primary. 

This means that you can create a Task once and it will automatically recur at a set interval and it will stay assigned to whoever the Primary staff happens to be. What I'm trying to say is you can set it up once and never worry about it again! SET it and forget it!

How to Get Started Creating Tasks

Tasks Utility - Create a Task Template

To get started with Tasks we'll open the Tasks Utility. Only Administrators have access to the Utility, which is where we'll create a Task Template. After creating the Template, we'll create actual Tasks. 

For today's example, we'll create a reminder for birthdays. 

Select "Add new template" the following window will open:

Give your Task a name. We'll call this Task "Send Birthday Card"
Select the Template type of Consumer.

Template Type refers to who the Task is about, or who it is regarding. Consumer Tasks are about Consumers and assigned to Staff. User Tasks are about Staff persons and assigned to Staff. 
Active just means your Task Template is available for use. You'll want that turned on. 
Start Date is the date that the Task revolves around. Remember, Tasks are flexible and can use an event so they are custom-fit for each person. For our Birthday reminder, we want to use DOB (Date of Birth)
Assignee Relationship determines who gets assigned. Primary is the most common. 
Form is optional, but extremely useful. This allows you to distribute forms for Staff to complete with customized reminders. 
Require Verification makes it so that once a Task is completed a Manager must review it and verify it. 
Notify Assigned User will send out a message to the Staff the Task is assigned to. You'll usually want that turned on. 

Once you've completed the necessary fields, select the Dates tab at the top. 

Set the Due Date to 0, so the Task is Due on the Consumer's Birthday. 
Set the recurrence to 1 year, so that the Task comes back next year. 
Status Transitions determines how far in advance Staff can start working on the Task. We'll give Staff 1 month to complete our Task of sending their Consumers a birthday card. The Task will become Urgent 2 weeks before their Birthday, and if it hasn't been completed by their actual Birthday, then it is considered late. 

The last tab on the Task Template page is the Preview tab. This allows you to put in an example date and verify the Due Date:

Once you've finished, click save to save the Template. You'll want to make sure the Template is filled out correctly, because once you create Tasks it locks the Template from being modified. 

Tasks Page - Create Tasks

Now that we've created our Task Template, it's time to create some Tasks. Head to the Review and Manage Tasks page by clicking the link in the Select: Add dropdown. Check out our article  Viewing Tasks to learn about the different ways to access Tasks. 

To create a Task using your new Template, click "Add New Task"
In the window that opens, select your Template:

Next, select which Consumers to apply the Task to:

You may select one or multiple consumers. 

Use the Preview section to verify the Assigned User and the Start Date:

Click Save to Create the Task. 
After clicking Save, the Task will be created. You can verify the Task was created successfully from the Review and Manage Tasks page:

That's it! You've successfully created a Task and assigned it to each Consumer's Primary Staff. Congratulations!

Other Things to Be Aware Of

If anyone is missing a start date for the Task, it won't be applied and they will be skipped. SETWorks will show you who was skipped:

Please note that if you need to make changes to your Task Template, you must first delete the incomplete Tasks. Read our article  Deleting Tasks to learn more. After the incomplete Tasks have been removed, you can modify your Template, save, and reassign the Tasks. 

There are several settings relevant to Tasks. To learn about the setup and configuration, check out our article  Configuring Tasks
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