About EVV in Pennsylvania

About EVV in Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania Clients Only - This article is written with Pennsylvania's organizations and rules in mind. 
Terminology can be modified within SETWorks to better fit the needs of your organization. If the terminology in our articles are not the same on your site, talk to your local administrator to assist in translation.

Configuration Notes

Staff Identifier: Social Security Number is used to identify the staff person. Please ensure the SSN is entered in each Staff Profile. You can access Staff profiles from two places - Staff Management and User Maintenance. 
Consumer Identifier: The individual's medicaid ID number is used to identify the client. Please ensure that the participant's medicaid ID number is entered accurately before creating records. 
Provider (Agency) Identifier: The Tax ID (EIN) is used to identify the provider (your organization). Please ensure the Tax ID is entered accurately in the Provider Profile. 

How do I submit activity records to Sandata and PROMISe?

In order to submit records electronically, you'll need SETWorks to configure your site first. Speak with your SETWorks implementation director to ensure this has been done before continuing. 
To submit records:
  1. Navigate to the Manage Batches and Submit Billing page. 
  2. From the Configuration tab, add all relevant records to a batch.
  3. From the Review tab, click the "submit/resubmit batch to EVV" button to submit records to Sandata. 
  4. After confirming the records were submitted successfully, return to the Review tab and use the "submit batch" button to submit records to PROMISe. 
For a detailed explanation of all steps in the EVV submission and eBilling process, please reference our article about submitting both EVV records and eBilling:

For a detailed explanation of only the eBilling portion that is specific to the state of Pennsylvania , please reference our article on eBilling in Pennsylvania:

For a detailed explanation of all steps in the EVV submission process, please reference our article about submitting only EVV records:

What is the difference between submitting EVV and submitting billing

Detailed explanation of what happens when you send EVV data to Sandata and Billing data to PROMISe:

Sandata - Batches for EVV submission:
When you click the "submit/resubmit batch to EVV" button we send user location times to Sandata. These are the times shown in the User Locations tab and have the GPS coordinates shown.
Sandata then computes the units based on the check-in and check-out times and saves the unit count.

PROMISe - Batches for submission:
When you click the "submit batch" button we calculate units based on the actual Consumer time shown in the left panel of the record. We then take that unit count and submit it to PROMISe.

If Sandata's count of units and SETWorks count of units don't match in PROMISe then we see a discrepancy/reject.

To whom do I reach out to for support with EVV issues?
Contact SETWorks support at support@setworks.com
Contact Sandata PA support at paaltevv@sandata.com

EVV - Sandata Reports

There are two reports available in SETWorks for Sandata-aggregator states to help monitor submissions and compliance rating: 
Learn more Here - EVV Sandata Reports
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