Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) - Sandata Reports

Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) - Sandata Reports

What reports are available to me to help monitor Sandata EVV submission and compliance?


There are four reports available in SETWorks for Sandata-aggregator states to help monitor submissions and compliance rating:
1. Sandata EVV Reconciliation Report
2. Sandata EVV Compliance Report
3. Sandata EVV Compliance Report Detail
4. EVV Manual Edit Audit Report

Review Submissions to Sandata

The Sandata EVV Reconciliation Report displays whether each submitted EVV record was successfully received by Sandata.

Error messages are provided to indicate an issue with status of submission. 
- "This batch as not been submitted for EVV" - indicates that the batch still need to be submitted from SETWorks or is in a queue pending to be sent.
- Other format errors (e.g., procedure codes are incorrect) will appear - action is to be taken according to those error. 

Review Compliance of Submissions to Sandata

Sandata submissions have two possible verification types: EVV Verified and Manual. These status types reflect whether each check-in or check-out was logged through the SETWorks EVV Experience or entered manually. Records logged through the SETWorks EVV Experience or TVV feature are considered "EVV Verified" when submitted to Sandata.

The following actions will mark records as "Manual" by Sandata upon submission when:
1. Check-in and check-out times or location are manually created.
2. Check-in and check-out times or locations were created through the EVV Experience, but were modified or changed afterwards.
3. The record is submitted more than once and it differs from the original submission.

Tracking EVV submission compliance can be done through the Sandata EVV Compliance Report, which gathers all EVV submissions over a selected timeframe and displays the number of EVV Verified Visits, Manual Visits, and the total compliance percentage.

Compliance rules differ by state. Make sure to review the rules and regulations in your area to ensure compliance with said regulations. The SETWorks "Sandata EVV Compliance Report" is designed to be a useful tool to monitor compliance, but does not override or influence Sandata or State rules regarding compliance with EVV directives. 

Review Non-compliant Submissions to Sandata

For information on specific records that did not meet compliance, there is the Sandata EVV Compliance Report Detail. This report returns the Batch ID, Activity Record ID, Group Activity Record ID, as well as the start and end times and the name of the consumer on any visit that has been successfully submitted but marked "Manual" by Sandata. 

To find out why a record appears on this report, check for any of the three conditions for manual submissions listed above (manual check-in or check-out times, modifications to check-in or check-out times, and changes to a previously submitted record).

Additionally, the EVV Manual Edit Audit Report can provide more information about what was changed on an EVV record:

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