Staff Management
April 5, 2024 Staff Training/Certifications/Reviews Expiration Fields - Required Prior To Billing
Please review the following article if you received communication from SETWorks the week of February 19, 2024 regarding important changes to the Staff Training/Certifications/Reviews Expiration Fields - Required Prior to Billing. What Is Changing? ...
OIG Exclusion List Report
Overview Office of Inspector General (OIG) has the authority to exclude individuals and entities from Federally funded health care programs. SETWorks regularly downloads the OIG Exclusion list on a monthly basis and compares the results with your ...
Resetting your PIN
Resetting your PIN in SETWorks This Support Article will show you how to reset your PIN. Terminology can be modified within SETWorks to better fit the needs of your organization. If the terminology in our articles are not the same on your site, talk ...
Monthly Support Webinar - June 2021 - Staff Management
Staff Management Webinar On June 30th 2021, SETWorks hosted a live webinar about Staff Management. You can view the recording from the link below: Topics Discussed Topics discussed include: Benefits of using Staff Management Overview of Staff ...
What is Coverage and how do I manage it in SETWorks? For Administrators Coverage allows the assignment of specific consumers to a specific user to further limit access beyond departments. Privileges must be enabled to view or manage coverage. ...
Training/Certifications/Reviews - Staff (Expiration Fields)
How do I track Training/Certifications/Reviews for Staff? How do I set requirements? Administrators, Managers In SETWorks, administrators have the ability to create customized fields that can be used to track Training/Certifications/Review Expiration ...
Training/Certification/Expiration Field Utility
How do I configure Training or Certification or Expiration Fields in SETWorks? How do I ensure staff have up-to-date training and certification before being able to create records? Administrators In SETWorks, administrators have the ability to create ...
Opting Out of Email Notifications
How to Opt Out of Email Notifications in SETWorks This article explains how to update your email notification preferences in SETWorks—including opting out of two different types of email notifications. If the terminology in this article differs from ...
How Do I Populate the Position Field? How Do I Remove the "Position Not Found" Under My Name In Forms? Administrators, Managers The Position Field on the Staff Profile is used to record Job Title. This will display underneath the Staff's Name and ...
Opening a User Profile
How Do I Make Changes to a Staff (User) Profile? Managers, Administrators There are several different ways to access a staff profile in order to make changes. This article briefly describes each method. Terminology can be modified within SETWorks to ...
Staff Management Configuration
How Do I Control Which Users Are Able to Access Staff Management? Administrators Note: You may only have access to maintain privileges if you are a SET-Works administrator. The Staff Management feature of SET-Works is configured in the Maintain ...
Signing with a PIN (User and Role Signatures)
1. Enter PIN This was setup when you created your account and can be changed in Settings > My Profile > Edit My Pin 2. Select "Sign"