How do I customize Intervention/Assessment Keys per Consumer Goal?
Managers, Admins
Billable Group Activity Records allow for additional customization of Intervention/Assessment (I/A) keys. Once I/A keys are configured in the utility, they can be further customized per goal for each individual. This feature is really useful if your agency is really wanting to control exactly what needs to be captured per goal for each individual by either removing comment boxes or customizing I/A key visibility.
Customize per Goal
1. Navigate to the consumer's profile.
2. Select Goals.
3. Select Add Goal or select an active goal.
4. Customize Billable Group Prompts/Keys
Allow adding a comment for this goal checkbox - this allows you to include or remove the ability to add a comment on this specific goal.
Allow selecting keys for this goal checkbox - this allows you to include or remove the ability to allow data collection using I/A keys.
Assessment Keys - Check the box for the Assessment keys you want to appear for this goal
NOTE: Assessment keys appear in the top row of the I/A keys within the Group Activity Record
Intervention Keys - Check the box for the Intervention keys you want to appear for this goal
NOTE: Intervention keys appear on the bottom row of the I/A keys within the Group Activity Record
Disable the allow adding a comment for this goal (removed).
Disable all Assessment Keys