How does it work to limit Activity Record creation when we have a holiday or weekend?
Activity Records have limits set via privileges to control how far back or forward Activity Records can be created.
By default, weekends and holidays count towards the limit on how far back staff are able to create and edit records.
Settings are available that will allow weekends and holidays to be ignored so that they do not count towards Activity Record creation or update limits.
NOTE: Activating the privileges outlined in this article makes it so that weekends and any days specified in the Holiday Utility are not counted as business days and therefore do not count towards any limits that have been configured via privilege.
There are two sets of privileges:
1. One set applies to all activity records
2. One set applies specifically to case notes for Targeted Case Management (TCM).
Activity Records
Configuring support for Weekends and Holidays is done via utility and via privileges.
Settings > Provider Build > Utilities: Holidays
1. Identify individual holidays by ensuring they are Active.
Settings > Provider Build > Maintain Privileges> Activity Records tab
Example of how this works together:
The initial dependency for Activity Records is this privilege:
Limit the number of days in the past that a billable Activity Record can be created or modified.
If, for example, the above privilege is set to 3 days and the following privilege is enabled:
Exclude holidays and weekends when limiting the number of days in the past.
Then it is, for example, possible to create a record 5 days after the service date if there are holidays or a weekend in between the date of service and when an Activity Record was created/updated.
Targeted Case Management (TCM)
After setting the Holiday Utility (referenced above), specifically for Targeted Case Management there is additional support for applying the same logic to determine when a record is considered late.
Settings > Provider Build > Maintain Privileges> Activity Records tab
Set the number of days before a Case Management Note is considered late.
The number of days before a Case Management Note is considered late excludes weekends and holidays.