Frequently Asked Questions about Tasks
All users
Terminology can be modified within SETWorks to better fit the needs of your organization. If the terminology in our articles are not the same on your site, talk to your local administrator to assist in translation.
I can't find [Task XYZ], where is it?
There are several reasons your task may not be visible.
Restrictive filters
- Verify that you have selected a department that includes the consumer in question (or select All departments).
- Verify that you have selected the correct status (i.e. Incomplete, Complete, Verified).
- Verify that the due date range is correct. Leaving both due date fields blank is the same as "All due dates."
- If the task is in the distant future or past, it may be in the Unavailable category which is collapsed by default. Expand the Unavailable heading to see the tasks.
- If your task list is very lengthy, the task you are looking for may not be visible until you navigate to the appropriate page.
- You can reduce the number of pages by changing the filters to limit the number of visible tasks.
Why does the Due Date filter change automatically?
The date filters will change automatically based on your selections. To override the defaults, change or delete the values for the Due Date filters.
The default Due Date filter value rules are as follows:
- A window of ±3 months is used as the default when All is used for the Consumer, Task Type and Status filters. Setting just one of these filters to a specific value will avoid the default.
- The due date filter is cleared (i.e. set to "All dates") when the Status filter value is changed to Incomplete. This is intended to avoid "losing" incomplete tasks.
How do I reassign Tasks?
The need to reassign a consumer's associated tasks may arise if the consumer's assigned staff is unavailable or temporarily unable to perform their job. In this case, please follow the steps below to update the assigned staff:
- Navigate to the consumer profile.
- Click on the consumer details tab.
- View the assigned staff section.
- Click the edit link next to the staff that needs updating (for Tasks, this is nearly always the Primary Support Coordinator).
- Select the new staff member from the dropdown.
- Click update.
- Refresh the browser window.
- Click on the consumer tasks tab to view updated tasks.
Why are new tasks not being generated when I mark the previous tasks Complete?
This is often caused by confusion about how task completion works. When configuring the task template, you are given a choice to Require Verification. This means that the task is not actually complete until a user with the "Can verify tasks are completed" privilege marks the task as Verified. Once that is done, the next task in the series will be generated. If you do not want or need a verification step, uncheck the Require Verification box in the task template configuration window:
- Click the Settings button at the top right corner of the site.
- Select the Provider Build tab.
- Choose Tasks from the Utilities dropdown.
- Click on a task template row to open the editor window.
- Uncheck the box next to Require Verification?
- Save the template.
- Repeat for any task template.
Note: You will still need to verify any task that was already in the Completed status in order to generate the next task. Any task that is completed after removing the configuration will go directly from Incomplete to Verified. t
Why do some of my task templates generate four (4) tasks into the future and others don't?
This behavior is based on the recurring due date pattern that is selected. If the due date is configured based on the previous due date, the task management system will generate multiple tasks into the future to aid in planning. If the due date uses the completion date to calculate the next due date, only the next task instance will be created upon completion. This is because the task management system cannot know the exact due date of the next task until the previous task has been completed.