Task Verification - How Does It Work?

Task Verification - How Does It Work?

What is Task Verification?

When setting up tasks, you have an option to require verification.  This adds the additional step of having a manager or supervisor verify that a task was completed. If the option "Require verification?" is not selected on the task template page, then verification will not be required. 

How Is Task Configuration Configured?

In the Task Template window, you will see an option that says "Require verification?" Check the box to enforce verification for that task:

Once verification is turned on, the task won't be officially completed until a user with the appropriate permission verifies the task. You can select which user roles have the permission to verify tasks via Maintain Privileges:

Key Privileges:

Is able to verify tasks have been completed.
Require the user enter their PIN to verify tasks are complete.
Turn on " Is able to verify tasks have been completed." for any role(s) that should have permission to verify tasks. You can also enable the optional privilege to require a PIN during the verification phase. 

What Does Task Verification Look Like in Practice?

When you first load up the review and manage tasks page, each task that needs verification shows a date (in italics) which is always the same as the completed date:

Clicking the date OR on the verify button will open the little calendar, which lets you confirm that the official completion date is the same as the staff completed date:

In the following screenshot, you can see that the date is no longer italicized:

Clicking verify now will open the box prompting for a PIN, assuming that the privilege "Require the user enter their PIN to verify tasks are complete" is turned on: 

After confirming the PIN, the task is now verified and will move from the completed list to the verified list. Please note that if the privilege to require a PIN for verification is not turned on then the user will not be prompted to enter their PIN. 

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