How do I mark one of my Consumers as Inactive?
To remove a duplicate profile, or to mark a consumer as discharged, simply edit the consumer record and mark the record as inactive.
Terminology can be modified within SETWorks to better fit the needs of your organization. If the terminology in our articles are not the same on your site, talk to your local administrator to assist in translation.
Note that consumer records are never deleted in SETWorks, only inactivated
Changing Consumer Status
Duplicate consumers can be made inactive via the Edit window within the consumer profile.
Open the consumers profile.
Click Edit record in the top right of the Consumer Details tab to edit the profile.
From within the Primary Information tab, uncheck the active consumer checkbox within the Status section.
Once unchecked, an inactive reason dropdown box, as well as, an inactive date selection box will appear.
Enter the appropriate inactive reason (Duplicate consumer) and date.
- A predefined list of reasons will display in the inactive reason dropdown. If the reason you need is not available, contact your local administrator to have the reason added.
Settings > Provider Build > Utilities: Consumer Inactive Reason
Update the first and last name of this duplicate consumer record to have a prefix of "Duplicate".
Click Update to save the changes.
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