Intervention/Assessment Keys - The What

Intervention/Assessment Keys - The What

What are Intervention/Assessment Keys? 

All Users
Intervention/Assessment (I/A) Keys are how SETWorks refers to the keys used in activity records that collect quantitative data. They appear in the data collection portion of SETWorks - the Activity Records. Each occasion an individual receives service, a Billable Activity Record is completed to identify details of the service delivery including which goals were worked on and what interventions were used for the individual to progress towards that goal. I/A keys collect this data in qualitative form. 

Assessment:  Helps identify which outcomes, goals, or strategies were assessed during this day of service. Example: Completed, Not Applicable, Progress Made
Intervention:  Typically consists of interventions provided during a service with an individual. Example: Verbal Prompt, Physical Assistance, etc. 

Value of Using I/A Keys

- Can be used on Individual and Group Activity Records
- Help identify which strategies were worked on, which were attempted but declined, and which were not worked on that day.
- Allow for an agency to see objective, quantitative progress towards a goal. 
- Allow for agencies to objective identify what they consider to be a successful (progress), failure (no progress), or not attempted.

Example Set-Ups

(S) = Success, (F) = Fail, (NA) = Not Attempted

Assessment Keys
Complete (S) | Partially Completed (F) | Declined (F) | Not Applicable (NA)
Intervention Keys
Independent | Hand-Over-Hand | Voice Prompt | Observed | Modeling | Declined
Assessment Keys
Addressed (S) | Not Addressed (NA)
Intervention Keys
Independent (S) | Gesture | Verbal Prompt | Physical Prompt | Modeling | Refuse (F) | Could Not Perform (F)
Assessment Keys
Yes (S) | No (F) | Refused (F) | NA (NA)
Intervention Keys
Verbal Prompts | Physical Assist | Monitoring | Independent (S)
Assessment Keys
Met | Did Not Meet | N/A
Intervention Keys
Monitoring | Prompting | Modeling

Example Reporting
