Unable to Log In to SETWorks
I'm receiving an error message when I try to log in to SETWorks. What should I do?
All Users
Sometimes you may see an error message when trying to log in to SETWorks. If you're trying to log in and you're receiving the error message "Invalid login attempt" you may want to try resetting your password. If this does not work, speak with your manager or administrator to ensure your account hasn't been locked out because of inactivity.
For security purposes SETWorks does not maintain any login information for our users such as emails associated with accounts, usernames, passwords or pins and we are not able to assist with retrieving or resetting any login information.
Please contact your administrator for any issues with logging in.
How do I reset my password myself? (Self-service password reset)
On the client login page:
https://app.set-works.com/SW/Login/SWLoginNew.aspx you should see a link to reset your password. It should say: "Password (forgot your username or password?)" Click this link and follow the instructions that appear. SETWorks will send you an email with instructions on how to reset your password.
On the login screen, click "forgot your username or password?"
SETWorks Login Screen
Enter your username OR email address:
SETWorks Login Screen with Password Reset Option Shown
Check your email for the password reset link. Click the link and you should see the following page:
SETWorks Password Reset Screen
Are you not able to see the page? Try clearing your browser history and click the link again.
What else should I be aware of?
If your password has been reset and you've contacted your local administrator to verify that your account is in good standing, here are a few other reasons why the login may not work:
Your Administrator has setup passwords to expire after a certain amount of days within the Update Provider Profile section of SETWorks. Please see Password Expiration Setup for more details.
- The browser used to access SETWorks is not up-to-date. Speak with your administrator to see if an update is a possibility. (SETWorks is compatible with all modern browsers, however- the site runs best on Chrome and Safari. We also support Mozilla Firefox and Microsoft Edge.)
- Avast or other free Anti-Virus software is not configured correctly and SETWorks detects it as a security threat, and prevents users with this software from successfully logging in.
- Malware is running on the computer, which SETWorks may recognize as a security threat and prevent a user from successfully logging in. SETWorks does not provide virus or malware support and we recommend reaching out to your Administrator for assistance in the instance of a device infected with a virus.
- The computer is too old and does not have necessary certifications in store (upgrading to an up-to-date browser such as Chrome will resolve this).
- Your computer or device does not support SSL and necessary technology for authentication.
- The date and time on the computer are incorrect. Most modern websites verify your browser with a security certificate. If the date and time on your device are not correct, this can cause issues.
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