Consumer Goals Don't Show in Activity Records
Why Can't I see Consumer Goals when I'm documenting?
All users
When processing a new Individual Support Plan (ISP), there may be situations in which the new goals impact what staff are seeing when they attempt to document.
Terminology can be modified within SETWorks to better fit the needs of your organization. If the terminology in our articles are not the same on your site, talk to your local administrator to assist in translation.
Why is this occurring?
1. Goals could be attached to the incorrect authorization.
2. The authorization in which the goals are attached, is no longer active or is an old authorization.
3. Goals could have incorrect start and end dates.
Troubleshooting Recommendations
Consumer Profile
Navigate to Consumers > Select Consumer of choice > Goals tab
1. Find your goals on this page. Use the Status filter as needed.
2. Sort by Authorization as needed to limit your view.
3. Check goal details including start date, end date, and authorization.
4. Ensure goals are have an active status.
5. Ensure goals are linked to a Current/Future Authorization, and not Historical Authorizations.
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