Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) - QA Process

Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) - QA Process

How do I validate Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) records before sending to billing?


Validating Records Contain All Necessary Data

The Manage User Locations feature allows you to easily see records that are missing data required for EVV compliance. To view this feature, click Manage User Locations from the Global Action Menu (select: add dropdown).

By default the page will display records that are missing either a CheckIn/CheckOut or a Location. You can change the Location Status filter to narrow the results. 

Manage User Locations is a great tool to help you validate that EVV records contain valid CheckIn/CheckOut and Location data.

Access to the Manage User Locations is controlled via the following privilege:
Settings > Provider Build > Maintain Privileges > Global:
Enable Manager User Locations in the Global Action Menu.

Validating Records by User Location Time

Activity Records that use the Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) feature have two sets of start and end times:
  1. The record start and end time - determined by the earliest consumer or staff start time and the latest consumer or staff end time. 
  2. The User Location check in and check out time - determined by the action of checking in or checking out from the record using the EVV Experience. 
You can use the following report to find records where the record start and end time does not align with the User Location time:

EVV User Location and Consumer Times Mismatch Report (Ad Hoc Report) - Displays Activity Records where the EVV User Location data does not match the Consumer Activity Record times (To the nearest minute).

This report displays records where the record start time or the record end time does not match the check-in time or the check-out time, respectively.

Validating Records by GPS Location

You can use the following report to view the data recorded by the SETWorks EVV Experience on a map:
EVV Audit Dashboard
Geo Audit - Plots discrepancies between the primary location of the record and the EVV GPS (Latitude and Longitude) Check-In and Check-Out points.

You can use the following report to view the raw data recorded by the SETWorks EVV Experience:
EVV User Location Report (Ad Hoc Report)

This report displays all data recorded by the EVV Experience. You can view the actual Latitude and Longitude recorded using GPS and export to Excel for further analysis. (Please keep in mind that most consumer devices have a maximum accuracy of about 4 meters (approx. 13 feet).)
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