How can I effectively use the following reports?
Authorization Overview Report with Frequency Information
Authorization Overview Report with Frequency Information, Units and Percentage
The Authorization Overview Report is a versatile report that can be used for many different tasks including:
- Viewing hours used and hours remaining at a glance.
- Finding consumers without Authorizations.
- Tracking the anticipated/predicted usage of an authorization based on current trends.
Terminology can be modified within SETWorks to better fit the needs of your organization. If the terminology in our articles are not the same on your site, talk to your local administrator to assist in translation.
Here's how we typically recommend using these reports:
View All Hours Used for One Consumer:
Select a consumer.
Set the From Date Range to any date before the earliest authorization begins. (In the example we use 1/1/2010)
- Set the To Date Range to any date after the last authorization ends. (In the example below we use 1/1/2030)
- Generate the report.
View the information within SETWorks, or export to another program such as Microsoft Excel for easy manipulation.
The Hours, Hours Used, and Hours Remain columns display the total hours, amount of hours consumed, and amount of hours remaining, respectively.
Locating Consumers without Authorizations:
Set the Consumer filter to All
Use the Include all Consumers checkbox to display all consumers regardless of whether they have an authorization.
Generate the Report.
If a consumer has no authorization, they will be displayed at the top of the report.
Track anticipated/predicted Usage:
Please note this workflow only applies to the longer/extended version:
Authorization Overview Report with Frequency Information, Units and Percentages
The columns labeled: Percentage Used, Percentage Target, and Off Target
Can be used to monitor how close you are to exhausting the available hours without going over.
This is calculated by: Taking the hours used based on the date. Taking all days of service then calculating how many hours per day to use ideally. Then dividing it by the percentage of total hours to show how many hours to use per day.
For example:
There is an authorization with a total of 10 hours available. You're providing 1 hour service per day every day for the next 10 days. (1 hour per day, for 10 days).
If you run the report 5 days in the target will show 50%.
This indicates that you are perfectly on target. You've provided 5 hours and have 5 hours left and have 5 days left to provide them.
Observe in the screenshots below that the report indicates that after 5 days of providing 1 hour per day, we are shown to be on target.
We're 50% of the way to the expected end date of the authorization. We've used exactly 50% of the hours available on the authorization.
Example Screenshots:
Authorization for 10 hours, 10 day duration:
Report shows we're on target - target percentage is 50% and off target is 0% - meaning we're right on schedule to use up exactly the hours available on the auth without going over or leaving hours left unused:
An analogy:
Let's say you're planning a 10 day road trip and you're planning on travelling exactly 1000 miles. If after 5 days you notice that you're odometer shows you've travelled exactly 500 miles, then you know that you're perfectly on target to reach your destination as planned and on schedule. If you see that you're at less than 500 miles, you know you'll need to drive more today in order to catch up and reach the destination before you run out of time. If you're over 500 miles, then you know you've been driving a little too far each day and you'll reach your destination ahead of schedule.
That's exactly what we're tracking here - simply analyzing how many hours/units are left on the authorization and comparing it to the start and end date. If you're on target, then that means that you're providing the exact amount of service each day to use up all the hours on the authorization without going over.