Total Remaining Hours/Units on authorization option for Participants Page

Total Remaining Hours/Units on authorization option for Participants Page

It would be immensely helpful and convenient for staff if there was an option to display the total number of units used/remaining on the participants page as a selectable column.  I do get a lot of feedback from staff that drilling into every case before seeing every person is inconvenient and often results in providing services that cannot be paid for since they usually find out units are limited or used up when they are entering notes.  Just seeing if anyone else out there would like to see more info on the Participant page.

I love where SETWorks shows the Service Hours (this month), but if possible, another option to show Service Hours (total) would be so helpful, just the simple 15/25 or something like that.  You could use what ever selection algorithm you use for the monthly hours and show the Logged/Remaining for the associated authorization.  We very rarely have 2 open authorizations at one time so it would work excellent for how we do things.

I have asked for this before but I thought I would as again to see if there is capability, it would be appreciated by our staff that work with a lot of small, DVRS vouchers.  I am also aware that some providers may not want this  due to having multiple authorizations open at once, but I think the permissions would allow them to customize the participants page, which would allow them to turn it off if not interested.

Additionally, any options to display more information about current authorization would be appreciated on the Participants page, since it doesn't require staff to drill into the data to find that important information. Some other suggestions, any of these would be helpful:
  1. Remaining Units (Total on current authorization)
  2. Remaining Units (the monthly limit, if applicable compared to what has been used for the current month)
  3. Current/Selected Service Authorization end date
  4. If possible, just show what the dropdown shows when entering billable documentation if that is easier since it already seems to be linked with it.