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SETWorks February 2025 Client Newsletter
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Using SETWorks Forms for Consumer Annual Paperwork
Hello! I'm wondering about other providers' processes for creating and signing consumer paperwork through SETWorks? We have several forms that need to be reviewed, filled out, and signed each year at annual meetings. We have been doing these on paper
Name Changes in Setworks
I am wondering how other agencies change staff's last names in Setworks? In testing and via confirmation of Setworks support if you change the last name in the Staff's profile, it changes their last name on all past documentation. I was wondering what
Telehealth Billing
Is there anyone who is currently billing for services being delivered via Telehealth. If yes, how are you managing the billing place of service code?
how to seperate casenotes by employee from a billing batch
I was wondering if any of you know how to separate an employees case notes from a billing batch, due to needed changes audit etc. Not by consumer I know how to do that.
Continued Paperwork/Form Questions
Not 100% SETWorks related, but wondering if anyone can point me to a resource to determine how often paperwork items need to be reviewed & re-signed, such as releases of information, etc. We have always renewed these every year but have noticed some providers
Healthcare Screening Tracking
I am curious to learn how everyone records, tracks, and collects data on the healthcare and wellness screenings recommended and completed for the people they support? We currently use a pull-down menu in a 'healthcare entry' form that we use for all appointments
Incident Report Form and Incident Report
Hello- We are looking at changing our incident report form on SETWorks so it gives us more information and we can look for trends easier. Wondering if anyone is willing to share or show how they have their incident form is set up and what your incident
SETWorks January 2025 Client Newsletter
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Clients sending information to case manager through Setworks
Hi. Is it possible for a client to send paperwork directly to setworks file? I have a client worried about sending her documents through email. Is this possible? I know I can send files to her to sign but can it work the other way?
Day Hab Reports
We are trying to determine what is the best report(s) to use to track how many units of T2020 and T2021 are used during any point of time during the service auth. . We currently use the "Authorization Overview Report with Frequency Information, Units
Monthly Data Review
What is everyone using to review data/progress from the programs/goals/objectives on SETWorks? We have a form created but we have to transfer data into the form which takes a lot of time. Would anyone be willing to share how they are reviewing data/progress
Individual Events
Any chance that Individual events could have a search feature?? Or that the 'add event' button could go at the top of the page?? We use this for medical appointment tracking and in the year and a half we have been with SETWorks some of our individuals
SETWorks December 2024 Client Newsletter
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SETWorks November 2024 Client Newsletter
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Manager Signature
We are currently completing our fiscal audit, and the auditors are raising a flag around manager signatures if the manager is the one providing the service as well. Is there a way to restrict the manager signature to another manager if they are also signing
Activity Record Report
I have a request for a report that will display a client's activity reports by date range with goals, goal supports used, comments and plan questions responses.
Monthly Member Calendar
I have an idea, and I am not sure if this can be put into practice or not. I am trying to figure out a way that setworks can incorporate scheduling into a monthly report to hopefully take some of that scheduling load from the coordinators. If we added
Utilizing Forms for Member Appointments
I would like to know how other agencies are keeping track of doctor, dentist, psych, etc. appointments through SETWorks. We have a form on SETWorks that is filled out by the staff person after the appointment. They currently take our old paper form TO
Is there a way to keep the phase that was used at the time the appointment was set up?
During the convert to a progress note process, we are asked to select the phase even though we chose the phase at time we set up the appointment. Is there a way to keep the phase selected throughout the appointment through to the convert to progress
Recover Deleted Data
Hello, Is there a way deleted files can be recovered from Setworks?
Delete PQ Comment
Does the privilege "Is able to delete plan question answers." enable the ability to delete goal comments as well? How about assessment keys?
SETWorks October 2024 Client Newsletter
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File Acknowledgement in General File Storage
Utilizing the same framework established for acknowledging file within an employee/client record, allow for files uploaded in Provider Files to have same requirements. Would allow for distribution of staff procedures!
Department Schedule for DSPs and Supervisors
Hello - our supervisors continue to create and print a word calendar for each department monthly that indicates DSPs shifts. This is easy for them, doesn't take a lot of time, easy for DSP to know their shifts, and easy for all DSPs to know who is coming
Non billable services
Is there a report that can be run to print non-billable with consumer activities with the notes or justifications showing? We would like to be able to print these comments in a report.
24 hour records and services that span over the midnight hour
Is there a way to create a set of 24 hour appointments? For example, a person provides respite services for back to back 24 hour overnight respite, for 48 hours. To create an appointment for them, the time picker does not allow for times 12:00am-12:00am
SETWorks September 2024 Client Newsletter
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Lifesharing service change - PA
Good morning, Pennsylvania is changing the billing model for life sharing services to align more with the residential group home model of with/without day. Is there a plan to adapt the billing process to calculate this for life sharing services? Tif
SETWorks August 2024 Client Newsletter
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SETWorks July 2024 Client Newsletter
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Advanced Report Builder
Hi, is there a timeframe in which we can expect the Advanced Report Builder to be out of beta testing and fully functional? I am currently using it, but the reporting aspect has some quirks and errors. Having this report builder would be very helpful
Consumer Attendance and Reporting
Hi, We are currently utilizing Setworks for our residential billing portion through group activity records, which is great. However, we are looking at options to track days out of the program through the consumer attendance tracking to capture the reason
SETWorks May 2024 Client Newsletter
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SETWorks June 2024 Client Newsletter
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QA Workflow to Review and Sign activity group records
Hi! My organization is starting to implement SETWorks for a variety of community services (Hourly SCL, 24 Hour SCL, Group/Basic/Specialized Respite, Day Hab.) I am working on creating processes and am looking for some suggestions/tips for reviewing Group
Daily forms functions
I saw that this function was recently implemented, I am wondering how you would be able to extrapolate this information? Does this show up on the form list each time it is completed? I am just thinking about how we might be able to use this feature and
Activity Records
At our agency, we provide both CPS (Day Program Services) as well as Residential Services. In Pennsylvania, the (high vs Low) rate we can charge for Residential services is based on time spent in the day program. Currently, when completing an activity
Documentation Complete Feature Change Suggestion
Hey guys Idea for a change; The documentation complete view on ARs is somewhat misleading as it is showing an overall complete status for shifts where an individual comment was made HOWEVER outcomes/goals were not documented on. Would be good if we could
SETWorks April 2024 Client Newsletter
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